Pupil and Sports Premium
Pupil Premium
The Pupil Premium grant is extra funding awarded to schools to help disadvantaged children of all abilities achieve their full potential.
It is up to schools to decide how exactly to spend their Pupil Premium grant so that it supports pupils who need it most. Schools can also use the funding for whole class approaches, for example, high-quality teaching, which will also benefit non-disadvantaged pupils.
Children eligible for Pupil Premium
- Those currently eligible for free school meals (FSM) or have been eligible for FSM at any point in the last 6 years
- Looked after children
- Previously looked after children who have been adopted
- Children who have a parent / carer who serves in the armed forces.
To find out more on how we spend our Pupil Premium funding, please read our Pupil Premium Strategy.
PE & Sports Premium
Schools play a key role in helping children to live healthy and active lives, particularly in primary schools where the foundations of positive and enjoyable participation in physical activity are embedded.
Schools should use PE & Sports Premium to make additional and sustainable improvements to the PE, sport and physical activity they provide.
To promote healthy living and active lifestyles for our children we:
- Offer a broad range of sport and physical activities
- Have invested in upskilling teachers to confidently deliver teaching in PE and sport
- Have established ourselves as local leaders in competitive sport whilst providing and improving equal access for boys and girls
To find out more on how we spend our PE & Sports Premium Funding, please read our PE & Sport Premium Strategy.