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About Us

Sherwell Valley Primary School is a large local authority maintained three form entry school in the vibrant town of Torquay. We also have a wonderful teacher-led nursery which accepts children from the age of 2. We currently have approximately 660 children on our school role.

Our school is situated on an extensive and attractive site that offers exceptional educational opportunities. The school grounds provide hard surface play areas, a playing field and well-equipped play spaces which include challenge and quiet areas.  Our school grounds provide a valuable resource that is used to promote quality in all areas of our work. The grounds, combined with qualified and dedicated staff, enable us to provide children in our community with a fantastic ‘Forest School’ experience.

Our children are central and remain at the heart of all that we do. We believe that all children are entitled to a rich and inspiring education that will equip them with the knowledge, skills and attitudes that they need to thrive and succeed in the ever-changing and diverse world beyond our school.the school building