Welcome to the child and adult well-being and support page. Here we have included some information about the services we offer as a school to our community from outside services for different well-being and mental health issues.
'One in 4 adults and one in 10 children experience mental illness, and many more of us know and care for people who do' (NHS England).
This might range from anxiety about separating from parents/carers or having an eating disorder to demonstrating a lack of understanding about body image, suffering from depression or feeling fear about what will happen at an exam. At any one time, a child may be anywhere on a spectrum between being healthy and unwell.
It is vital that with statistics like these that we educate children to be mentally and physically healthy. We want to enable children to understand what healthy mental well-being looks like and how to apply strategies that enable them to move back along the spectrum if they need to.
Shewell Valley Primary School is one of the schools within Torbay to work alongside a team of practitioners from the Mental Health Support Team (MHST). MHST is a government-funded initiative based in the NHS. Their team is one of many MHSTs in the UK which offer evidence-based support to schools, young people and families. The Torbay team work with a number of different schools in the area to provide this support. This enables Health Teams and Education to work together to support children, parents/carers and staff to ensure unwell mental health is supported if and when needed.
Some links you may find useful
Dealing with Depression
Dealing with Anxiety
Sam Tomlins, Simon Berkley and Sarah Whorne are Educational Mental Health Practitioners (EMHP) who work with Mrs Gaywood, our Provision Lead, and the staff, children and our community at Sherwell Valley. EMHPs work with children and young people with low-level/mild to moderate common mental health difficulties (anxiety, low mood and behavioural difficulties).
Through the development of the MHST, we have also supported some of our Year 6 children to be Mental Health Ambassadors. The ambassadors attend assemblies, visit classes sharing good practice and receive regular training and supervision from our EMHP’s.
If you would like some more support or advice, then please follow this link and fill in a referral form. Mrs Gaywood will then get in contact with you.