At Sherwell Valley, we use the SCARF programme to support the children's PSHE and RSE lessons. SCARF is an online scheme which uses relevant, up-to-date and evidence-based content. Through this scheme, we can ensure that we are covering the statutory requirements of the DfE’s Primary Relationships, Sex and Health Education Curriculum for children. SCARF provides the framework for a whole-school approach to improving children’s well-being with a focus on the SCARF values: safety, caring, achievement, resilience and friendship. SCARF supports our vision for PSHE by providing all children with the knowledge and skills they need to thrive in an ever-changing and diverse world.
More information about Family SCARF
Our PSHE lessons support our children physically, emotionally and mentally, ensuring their well-being remains at the centre of what we do. Children are taught the skills and knowledge that they need to stay healthy and safe through units such as 'All about me.', 'Healthy me.' and 'Keeping ourselves safe.'
RSE forms an important part of our PSHE curriculum at Sherwell Valley. Children learn about the emotional, social and physical aspects of growing up in an age-appropriate way. This includes learning about puberty, body ownership and safeguarding. The whole school teaches the following units throughout the year: Me and My Relationships, Valuing Difference, Keeping Safe, Rights and Respect, Being My Best and Growing and Changing.